Active Family Enrollment

Registration for the 2024-25 school year will be held MONDAY, MARCH 11th from 9:00-10:00 AM at the Tabernacle Life Center portico and will be a drive through registration. Parents should have their completed registration in the following order:

  • Money (check/money order is preferred, but if you are paying cash, you may put it in a small envelope)
  • Current photo of the child
  • Completed Registration Application
    • Age of student as of 09/01/2024 and how many days per week should be visible on page 1
  • Copy of parent photo IDs
  • Copy of Birth Certificate (if your child has this on file, you may disregard. It can only be accessed on a computer, NOT the Brightwheel App, and will show under attachments)
  • Copy of current Immunization Record (Form 3231) or a Religious Immunization Exemption (Form 2208) (if your child has this on file, you may disregard. It can only be accessed on a computer, NOT the Brightwheel App, and will show under attachments):
    • Immunization Records MUST NOT be expired. They also must have the physician’s name AND phone number at the bottom. Printed out records from the Department of Health are NOT acceptable forms. Please obtain a 3231 Form ONLY.
    • Religious Exemptions must be notarized, and will cover ALL immunizations to be exempt for applicable student
    • Medical Exemptions are also accepted, however please know that this form should only apply to specific vaccines that the medical professional has determined the student should not receive due to medical purposes
      only. It is NOT a form that covers ALL vaccines, therefore will not be accepted if all vaccines are added to this form. Should a student need to be exempt from ALL vaccines, please complete the Religious Exemption form.

Please make note of additional items to ensure registration day goes as smoothly and quickly as possible for all involved:

  • Do NOT leave any fields on the Registration Application blank – this could result in a delay to your registration paperwork and could ultimately result in your child missing out on getting into the class.
  • Do NOT fold your registration packet.
  • NO folders, but paper clips are fine


Pam Smith

Director of Weekday Preschool