Tabernacle Baptist Church is committed to providing a strategic vision of evangelism that leads all members to participate in both the Great Commission and the Greatest Commandment. Acts 1:8 records the words of Jesus: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” We participate in this commandment by developing long-term, strategic partnerships with like-minded Christians both near and far. We invite you to fulfill your calling to be a faithful witness to the good news of Jesus Christ through prayer, provision, and participation in missions.


Tabernacle has a vision to one day in glory see “every nation, from all tribes and languages, standing before the throne of God” (Revelation 7:9). As Baptists, we have traditionally cooperated for the purposes of global missions and gospel propagation. Tabernacle primarily supports mission’s efforts locally through the International Mission Board (IMB) and North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention (www.sbc.net).

In addition to our work with IMB and NAMB, Tabernacle believes that long-term partnerships are the best means by which to engage our congregants with active field personnel. These strategic partners are recipients of support from our congregation and assist in coordinating regularly scheduled short-term mission trips to assist in their efforts. We ask you to join us in praying for these strategic partners


Learn more about what Southern Baptists Missionaries are doing around the World and how you can help reach the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ here. Annually, Tabernacle collects monetary donations for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering


  • Pray for the missionaries that are currently working and the many others are coming to encourage Christian leaders in their area and engage with those who have no heard or accepted the gospel.
  • Pray that God will raise up indigenous leaders to shepherd these churches according to God’s Word.
  • Pray that African churches would follow in the footsteps of Christ by being obedient to God, suffering for the sake of the Gospel, and patiently waiting for his final exaltation.
  • Pray that God would raise up a generation of missionaries from Africa to be sent to the nations to make disciples of Christ.

Chris and Katie Nalls have served as IMB missionaries in Sub-Saharan Africa since 2011. They reside in Nairobi, Kenya, where they coordinate training for incoming and current field personnel in the Sub-Saharan Africa Affinity Group of the International Mission Board. They have three children: Abigail, Emma Claire, and Daniel.

  • For every orphaned and abandoned child to be placed in a loving family and know God as their Father.
  • For corruption, which keeps children unjustly stuck in the system rather than in a loving family, to come to a stop.
  • For missionaries in Central Europe to be emotionally and spiritually healthy so they can effectively remain on the field for the duration of their call.
  • For healthy family values to prevent abuse, trauma, and abandonment so that fewer kids enter the child protection system.

Tim and Caroline Bailey have been serving as missionaries with Youth with A Mission (YWAM) in Romania since 2012. The Baileys serve on the YWAM Central Europe Member Care Team, providing pastoral care to missionaries in the region. They also partner with the organization Romania Without Orphans to address the orphan crisis by equipping foster and adoptive parents through training, coaching, and personal support. They operate a retreat space, Elisha’s Room, where missionaries and foster/adoptive parents can step away from their challenges for intentional soul care. They have 5 children, 3 of which are adopted: Ionut, Sergiu, Anna, Luke, and Grace.

  • Pray that the local and international believers will not be intimidated and shrink back in their witness because of Government monitoring and persecution, but that they will draw closer to the Lord and growth in their faithfulness to serve and share Christ.
  • Pray the believers will learn to rely upon the Holy Spirit to guide them, protect them and lead them to people the Lord is drawing to hear the Gospel.
  • Pray the Lord will raise up more leaders to carry on and multiply His Kingdom in this dark place.
  • Pray that the many unreached people groups in East Asia will soon be able to hear and read the Good News of Jesus Christ in their own languages.

G & S are serving as ISC Mid-Term associates in Sarawak, East Malaysia on the Island of Borneo. God called them to full-time missions in 2013. Being sent out directly from their SBC home church in South Florida, they served for 6-1/2 years in a large city in the Asia-Pacific Rim. In 2018 became Team Associates with the IMB and then became full-time as ISC Mid-term associates in 2022. They endeavor to train believers to take the Gospel out into the remote villages, start churches, and provide training and resources to existing Baptist churches.


Visit the North American Mission Board for more information about how you can become involved in missions and to sign up for their monthly email newsletters

Terry and Angie Burkeen have served as the directors of Club 180 in Cumberland, Kentucky, since 2006. The Club 180 Ministry exists to meet the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of children, youth, and families in Eastern Kentucky.

Matt McGukin has served as Lead Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Idaho Falls, Idaho, since 2014. He also assists other church planters in the Utah-Idaho Southern Baptist Convention. He and his wife, Marty, have three children: Daisy, Micah, and Noah.


At the state and local level, Tabernacle partners with the Georgia Baptist Missions Board for disaster relief and other regional ministry opportunities.

Disaster Relief is a ministry of credentialed volunteers committed to showing the love of Jesus to persons affected by disaster events. We offer them hope by meeting practical needs in their lives incurred by the disaster.

Every summer, Tabernacle sends a team to work at Camp Hawkins in the North Georgia mountains. Camp Hawkins is a summer residential camp for children ages 8 to 21 with varying disabilities, learning disorders, or developmental delays. Camp Hawkins serve up to 20 campers each for 5 one-week sessions during the summer. For many families, this is the only opportunity that they have to take a break from being full-time caregivers. Tabernacle members cook, clean, launder, encourage, and lead games for the campers.


Tabernacle provides resources and volunteer support for various local ministry partners. We are affiliated with the Carrollton Baptist Association for local denominational work. Additionally, we hold to the conviction that every person is created in the image of God; therefore, our evangelistic endeavors include seeing to it that the dignity of human life is upheld from the womb to the tomb. Our Missions Partnership Council has identified four primary partners for local ministry:

Throughout the year, Tabernacle also offers various service opportunities coordinated by the Community Action Team. The Community Action Team organizes local service, mission, and evangelism opportunities for the congregation in the West Georgia area and organizing unique service events for the congregation. These service days allow community members to work on projects organized to help those in need in our community.

Open Hands United Christian Ministry is a collaborative effort by member churches to better coordinate benevolence ministries. A partner agency of the Atlanta Community Food Bank, its ministry focuses on providing assistance to those in need who reside within Carroll County, Georgia. 

Carroll County Soup Kitchen serves meals on a regular basis for those experiencing hunger in our area. They also provide take-home meals for those with ongoing food needs.

THS Homeless Resource Bridge serves and assists those who are experiencing homelessness and other critical needs by building bridges that lead to a more abundant life in Jesus Christ. THS provides benevolence assistance for temporary sheltering and advocacy towards permanent housing solutions.

Alice’s House Children’s Home & Ministry provides a secure, stable, and nurturing environment for resident children while resourcing foster families to care for the physical, emotional, educational, and spiritual needs of children in our community who are experiencing social and emotional difficulties.