Tabernacle Baptist Church is a rich tapestry of both long-time Carrollton residents and newcomers to our prosperous and growing community. We are comprised of two- and single-parent families, single adults, college students, senior adults, retirees, teenagers, and children.

As God’s family, we seek to be joyful in worship, intentional in hospitality, and faithful in sharing God’s love and mercy. It is our hope that you will find in this congregation a place where you can share your life, faith, gifts, and interests.

You are invited to learn more about Tabernacle by clicking the links on our web site. As you do, you will discover the warmth and love that can be found at Tabernacle. If you need additional information, please call the church, or better yet, worship and study with us this Sunday!

Tabernacle invites newcomers to be involved in worship, Bible study, and ministry. The information below is designed as a starting point to help you feel more comfortable on your first visit.




Click any of the questions below to view answers for some of the most common questions we receive.

Tabernacle Baptist Church is located at 150 Tabernacle Drive (at the intersection of Tabernacle Drive and Highway 166 Bypass) in Carrollton, Georgia. Click here for a map and for driving directions.

Some wear their “Sunday best” while others wear more casual clothes. Don’t worry about what you wear, just come expecting a great visit!

If you have a Bible, bring it with you. It will help you to follow along in worship and in Bible study. If you don’t have a Bible, don’t worry. We have plenty! If you are a guest, don’t worry about bringing an offering.

Sunday school begins at 9:45 AM and the worship service begins at 11 AM.  To allow time to find your way around the building, plan to arrive ten to fifteen early.

You may park anywhere you wish, but we reserve plenty of parking spaces for guests near the circle drive entrance on Cottage Hill Road.

Greeters at each entrance as well as the help desk in the welcome center just outside the worship center can assist you in getting your children to the appropriate areas.  The children’s check-in desk is located on the 1st floor through the entrance next to the playground.

We take security seriously.  Our facility is monitored by our security team and each child must be registered before entering a Sunday School class.  Both you and your child will be given a security tag and you must present this tag to pick up your child.

People may offer themselves as canditates for membership in any of the following ways:

  1. By public acknowledgment of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior followed by believers’ baptism through immersion;
  2. By letter of recommendation from another Baptist church of like faith and order
  3. By statement of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and previous believers’ baptism through immersion; or
  4. By Watchcare membership. Watchcare membership will be provided to those persons who temporarily reside in our community and desire to become a part of Tabernacle while retaining full membership in another congregation.

If you would like to begin a dialog about becoming a Christian or joining Tabernacle Baptist Church, simply contact a member of the Pastoral Team.