Tabernacle Children’s Ministry exists to see children transformed by Christ and to see transformation for Christ.

We provide a wide range of programming to teach our children the Gospel and the foundations of our faith. All of our adult volunteers receive background checks as well as child protection training. 


Sunday School

We offer several grade-based classes for children using the Gospel Project curriculum from 9:45 to 10:45 AM. Each week’s lesson helps children understand how Christ fits into the entire Gospel story, from creation to eternity. Children also learn how they fit into this story! Sunday School classes are offered for Kindergarten through 5th graders.

Big Church Bridge

During our weekly worship service, we offer a designated time for children in the service up to Second Grade to leave the Worship Center at the beginning of the sermon. These children will receive further teaching on the Sunday School lesson with interactive elements in our Chapel. Parents will pick up their children in the Chapel following the service.


On Wednesday nights from 6:00 to 7:30 PM, children in K4-5th grades will spend half their time engaging in our worship arts program and the other half diving into scripture and learning about missions around the world.


We would love for you to join us so we can worship and grow together! Please contact John Pridgen at [email protected]. Children in K4 – 5th grades participate in the above described programs. For babies through K3, we provide childcare and Sunday School classes on the 1st floor.


Magnified! VBS will encourage kids to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. We were made to magnify God! VBS is June 9 – 13 from 9 am – 12 pm for ages completed pre-k through completed 5th grade. T-shirts are $5 each and for sale at the first floor welcome desk on Wednesday Nights and Sunday Mornings. Click the link to register and invite your friends to join us.


We strongly believe in establishing a safe and welcoming environment where your child is valued and finds their place as an important part of God’s family. Each of our children’s workers have been approved through a rigorous vetting process and have been trained to offer specialized care for their age group. To view our Children’s safety policy, click the button below.

John pridgen

Minister to Students + Families